Queers N Peers is a monthly variety show in Brooklyn hosted by myself and drag performer Comrade Barbie. It showcases LGBTQ artists and allies in different performance disciplines, from comedy to drag and beyond. We recently launched a Substack newsletter featuring original writing, artist interviews, and more.
Pre-COVID, the show raised money for two organizations per month centered on queer and trans rights and socioeconomic justice. Now, funds raised from ticket sales will go directly to supporting our artists, many of whom are queer, trans, low-income, or otherwise marginalized and deserve to be compensated for their creative labor.
We’ve raised money for Immigration Equality, Black and Pink, FIERCE, the Fianza Fund, the Anti-Violence Project, New Sanctuary Coalition, The Sex Workers Project, Transgender Law Center, the National Network of Abortion Funds, Queer Detainee Empowerment Project, Translatina Coalition, SAGE, and more.
Follow us on Instagram for news on upcoming shows. We’ve been featured in Nonsense, the skint, Brokelyn, Comedy Cake, and Bushwick Daily.
Previous iterations of this monthly benefit show were Pairs N Chairs, co-hosted by Jessy Yates in 2018, and Pairs N Pairs, co-hosted by Stephanie Guedalia in 2016-17.
Poster by Jesse Jae Hoon.